Over the last 2 months, I've had the opportunity to participate in 2 of our workshops. And I must confess that both experiences only served to reinvigorate my passion for our organization's mission.
In August, I had a visitor in town who has supported the CCC since it was just an idea. One of my dearest friends is a painter and designer in Charlottesville, VA. She's donated paintings, antiques, mirrors, and much more to the center, so I wanted her to get to see in person just how her generosity helped transform our space. When I explained the sessions to her and her two oldest girls, they all expressed interest in signing up to attend, so I hopped on the computer and quickly registered for 4 tickets.

This Intro to Photography workshop was my first time being in the participant's seat. And what a joy it was to learn alongside my friend and her two girls. All four sessions were informative and interactive. The activities were thought-provoking and creative.
Over the following days of their visit, we continued to discuss the tips we'd learned. Instead of mindlessly taking pictures to document our time together like we had in the past, now we were talking about technique and focusing on composition. It didn't matter that there was a 30 year gap between us, these girls were teaching me based on what they'd gained from their time at the CCC.
And as they talked about lines and the rule of thirds and lighting, I couldn't help but think to myself, "this is good stuff."
When you're a part of a team that is dreaming up meaningful experiences for your community, you hope it's going to turn out well... but this... this was excellent. It wasn't just a fun 2 hour workshop; it was a shared learning opportunity that kept us thinking, reflecting, and creating long after the final session concluded.
Weeks had passed, and I still found myself applying what I'd learned in the short time I'd had with each facilitator. My lens (pun intended) had shifted. I felt more equipped to take better photos, and I found that knowledge rewarding.

I decided to sign up for another workshop the following month. Perhaps it was a fluke. I admit I do love photography. I also admit that I adore the visitors that came to the workshop with me. Perhaps my experience was so positive because of my interest in the topic and the quality of my company.
So I went into the Art and Mindfulness Meet workshop with skeptical eyes. Typically, I don't like to do art projects in group settings. I don't find it relaxing.
On Sept. 5th, though, as I entered my first session- a session focused on creating watercolor affirmation cards- I quickly found that my experience the prior month was not an anomaly.
Within minutes I found myself enjoying the project and savoring the company of folks who had been strangers just moments before.

Similar to the previous workshop, the facilitators had such wonderful sessions planned. With guidance and surrounded by neighbors who were becoming fast friends, I turned a lump of clay into a ring dish, I wrote a postcard to my future self, and I participated in a group drawing activity.
Each session was unique.
Each participant was fully present.
Each activity was valuable.
I was incredibly impressed with the community members who led the sessions. Whether hobbyist or paid professional, they clearly understood the assignment. They led sessions that engaged and empowered their audience- an audience in which I felt fortunate to be a part.
I'm here to tell you, then, that after witnessing the last 8 workshops both as an organizer and now a participant... something pretty special is happening at the CCC. People are gaining knowledge and connecting with others in equal measure. I can't help but want everyone in our surrounding neighborhoods to benefit from these workshops.
I also can't help but feel immense gratitude for each of the facilitators who have led a session over the last 4 months. I'm serious when I say I've learned something from every single one of you. The CCC would remain just a lofty aspiration were it not for you all volunteering your time and your talent!
We have some great programs lined up for the fall, so check them out and come hang with us soon. If you've been thinking about coming to a workshop, consider this your personal invitation. I can confidently say you won't regret it. Don't just take my word for it... come see for yourself!
Love that quote "This is good stuff".