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Writer's pictureChristine Moore

February Updates

Well January was a whirlwind, but in the best way! I wanted to provide some highlights and express some gratitude to those who are helping the CCC take shape.

Here goes:

  • We had our first board meeting on January 18th. It was productive. We made plans. We shared ideas. We went over financials. It was amazing to sit around a table with people who are volunteering their time and their talent to build this organization. I love that this board of directors is comprised of people with a shared vision: to see community develop and flourish in Norfolk.

  • We started renovating the space. They say you have to break it down before you can build it up, and that certainly rings true at the CCC. We've ripped up old baseboards, patched walls, repurposed doors... let's just say I'm learning a ton about how demanding a GC's job can be. Our board member Elizabeth Urquia, who is overseeing the renovations, is an absolute rockstar! She has all the tools (both literally and figuratively) to make sure this thing happens and comes together on time. I will admit that after May, if I don't have to look at paint colors again for a few years, I'll be a very happy camper. Our new landlords, Mike and Kristen Cree, deserve a MAJOR shout out. They have been incredibly supportive. More than that, they have generously donated many of the construction materials we need to flip this space.

  • We got to share about the CCC through a local news station! 13NewsNow was gracious enough to give us a spot during their 12:00 pm show, and we so enjoyed chatting with Bethany about our plans. If you missed the broadcast or didn't catch it on our IG page, you can find it here. Our board president, Charles Shannon, provided an excellent overview of our vision for community!

  • We have developed partnerships with 12 monthly donors!! We are humbled and amazed at how individual donors are rallying around our efforts to foster community in Norfolk. We have a goal of doubling that number by March 15th. With each new person who decides to partner with us, we get more excited because we are confident these dollars will have a direct impact on our neighbors. Whether it puts paperbacks, paintbrushes, or pottery-making tools in the hands of participants or whether it provides access to parenting tips, conflict mediation strategies, or budgeting tools for our attendees, every donation will go towards empowering Norfolk residents with access to practical skills and artistic engagement.

  • We are launching a joint survey with the amazing team at the Elizabeth River Project to assess the needs of our neighbors. Aligning with Mathie and Cuningham's (2002) "assest-based community development" approach*, we want to ensure that the programming we plan aligns with the needs and desires of the people we aim to serve. Along with that, we want to provide opportunities for community members- both young and old- to facilitate and lead workshops themselves. Here at the CCC, we believe every person has expertise in some area of their life, and we want to tap into that expertise and provide a platform for community leaders of all ages to share their knowledge with their neighbors. Please consider taking the survey and sharing your ideas with us!

  • We attended the Norfolk Youth Council meeting and had the opportunity to hear from some talented teenagers. We took furious notes as they offered ideas about job preparation courses, budgeting workshops for young adults, social awareness and mental health classes, and even a technology class for older adults. We are excited for a few of them to join us as junior board members, and still a few more who have expressed interest in leading a workshop or two! As if all this wasn't enough, I had the pleasure of reconnecting with two of my former Norview High School students... seeing them both thriving has been the highlight of my year to date!

  • We have started to work out the specifics of our Open House event that will take place from 12-4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18th! One of our amazing board members, Nicole Barnes, is spearheading this event. With her in charge, I'm confident it's going to be a wonderful, family-friendly event. Think cotton candy, face-painting, snow cones, artisan booths, workshop previews, live performances... I'm getting pumped just thinking about it! (Especially as we are in the midst of these 34 degree mornings still!). To make this event spectacular, we are seeking sponsorships. If you are interested in finding out more about our this opportunity, please email us at and we'll get you in contact with Nicole and provide a sheet that explains the various sponsorship levels!

There's much to still be done, but we thought it important to pause and acknowledge all that has happened so far in 2024. Thank you for being with us on this journey. We are committed to building something beautiful in our neighborhood, but we know we could NEVER do that alone.

*Mathie, A. & Cunningham, G. (2002). From clients to citizens: Asset-based community development as a strategy for community-driven development. Development in Practice, 13(50), 474-486.

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